
Journal info

Founded: 1982
ISSN 1338-4325 (online)
ISSN 0231-5882 (print)
Published in English,
6 times per year

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Editorial Info
Submission Guidelines

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General Physiology and Biophysics - Submission guidelines

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A. General

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office up to April 30 2013. From May 1 2013, the electronic publishing system will be used. For more information, please read user guide.

Tel.: +421-2-5932 7705; Fax: +421-2-5477 3666; E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Website: http://www.gpb.sav.sk

Both Word and PDF versions are required.

The text of the manuscript (including title, Abstract, Key words, main text, References and Figure legends) should be submitted as a single text file (.doc or .rtf). Tables should be uploaded as text (.doc or .rtf) and Figures separately as .jpg, .eps or .tiff files. Standard fonts should be used (Times New Roman or Courier for the general text and Arial for the figures). Authors are required to keep the format and arrangement of the whole text as described in section Preparation of manuscripts.

It is presumed that manuscripts have not been published and have not been simultaneously submitted elsewhere.


Open acces:

Journal General Physiology and Biophysics will become open access. The publishing fee of 350 Euro will be charged for all accepted manuscripts submitted into the electronic publishing system after July 1st, 2018.
Additional fee for each printed page containing color figures continues to be valid.

B. Preparation of manuscripts

1. Manuscripts should be in English, typed double-spaced with 2.5 cm margins, and an unjustified right margin. Use a standard 12 point typeface (e.g., Times, Arial, or Courier) throughout the manuscript. Number each page at the bottom. Use hard return only at the end of paragraphs. Do not use any hyphenation to divide words at the right margin. Please take care to distinguish properly between digit ”1” and letter ”l” (also 0 and O).

2. Abbreviations in parentheses should be preceded by the full term when first used (except for those which are very common).

3. If you use symbols or special characters the PDF of the corresponding text file must show exactly how they have to look like.

4. Numbers, constants and mathematical operators (sin, cos, log, etc.) should be in regular font as distinguished from variables, which should be written in italics (dy/dx, not dy/dx).

5. Scientific investigations involving humans or animals must have approval of the appropriate ethics committee. Animal experiments should be carried out in accordance with EU (86/609/EEC) or the NIH guidelines. Investigations involving humans must be accompanied by a statement that informed consent was obtained from all subjects.

6. The text should be arranged under the following headings: Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results; Discussion; Acknowledgement and References.

7. Title page should include the title of the article, authors’ names (first name in full and initials of the middle names), without academic degrees, the name of the institutions, addresses and e-mail address for the first author (in case he (she) is not the corresponding author). Give a short title which should be printed at the head of the right-hand pages of the article. On the bottom give a full name, address and e-mail address of the corresponding author.

8. An Abstract of not more than 200 words together with up to 5 key words should be submitted on a separate sheet. If needed, the abbreviations used in the text with their full explanations could be listed here, too.

9. The References should be in alphabetical order according to the following format:

a) Articles from journals:
Hodgkin A. L., Huxley A. F., Katz B. (1952): Measurement of current-voltage relations in the membrane of the giant axon of Loligo. J. Physiol. (London) 116, 424–448

b) Monographs:
Zachar J. (1971): Electrogenesis and Contractility in Skeletal Muscle Cells. University Park Press, Baltimore and London

c) Chapters from monographs:
Haggis G. H. (1964): The structure and function of membranes. In: Introduction to Molecular Biology. (Eds. G. H. Haggis, D. Michie, A. R. Muir, K. B. Roberts and P. M. B. Walker), pp. 151–192, Longmans, London

Abbreviation of journal titles should correspond to those used in Current Contents. In case of any doubt the way how the journal quotes itself should be used. Personal communications or unpublished papers should not be included in the list of references. In the text the name of the author should be followed by the year of publication. Where there are more than two authors, only the first should be named, followed by “et al.”.

Articles may only be cited as “in press” when a copy of the acceptance notice is supplied at the time of submission.

10. Illustrations:

a) Tables including appropriate headings must be typed on separate sheets and numbered in consecutive order as cited in the text. Other data or legends should be given as footnotes below the tables.
b) Graphs and diagrams should be in a form suitable for reproduction. Use quality graphic programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, or Freehand. Line graphic should be saved as .eps, .tiff or .jpg files (600 dpi).
c) Halftone photographs should be arranged in layouts and submitted in the exact size for printing and saved as .tiff or .jpg (300 dpi).
d) Colour photographs will be only printed at the discretion of the Editors. The publisher will provide the author with the precise cost estimate when the figures are received (the cost per a single page containing picture(s) printed in colour is Euro 100).

11. Figure legends should be typed on a separate page.

12. Numerical data should be expressed in SI units (Systeme International d’Unités). When expressing concentrations mol/l or mol·l–1 instead of M should be used.

13. Short Communications should be limited to six pages without section headings including a maximum of three figures and an Abstract of not more than 100 words.

14. The Editors will not accept a series of papers with the same main title followed by “part I”, “part II”, etc. Each paper should have its own title.

15. Authors not entirely familiar with English should seek a native English-speaking colleague or professional service for advice on correct syntax and word usage. Correct style and word usage, however, are the responsibility of the author(s). Spelling may be British or American, but it must be consistent throughout the text. Manuscripts submitted in poor English may be returned to the author(s) and there will be a delay in publication.

16. All contributions get carefully reviewed by our Field Editors. The final decision whether a specific manuscript may be accepted for publication in General Physiology and Biophysics will be made by the Editors. Authors are encouraged to suggest up to three names (including postal address, phone and e-mail address) to be added to our list from which referees will be selected. Authors may exclude referees as well.

17. The corresponding author will receive proofs by e-mail in PDF format. Authors are requested to check the proofs and return any corrections within 48 hours. The corresponding author, at no cost, will obtain a PDF file of the article via e-mail. Reprints are available, provided the order to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it is received with the corrected proofs.


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