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Elevated circulating miR-494 in plasma of children with enterovirus 71 induced hand, foot, and mouth disease and its potential diagnostic value |
Authors: J. Liu, X.-C. Lu, W.-D. Zhou |
Acta Virologica Vol.64, No.3, p.338-343, 2020 |
doi:10.4149/av_2020_311 |
Price: free access |
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E. coli expression and immunological assessment of expressed recombinant Newcastle disease virus hemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein in chickens |
Authors: N. Shahid, A. Q. Rao, A. Ahad, A. Gul, A. Latif, S. Azam, M. Shahid, S. Akhtar, A. A. Shahid, T. Husnain |
Acta Virologica Vol.64, No.3, p.331-337, 2020 |
doi:10.4149/av_2020_310 |
Price: free access |
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Experimental infection and pathology of two highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 viruses isolated from crow and chicken in house crows (Corvus splendens) |
Authors: M. Kumar, H. V. Murugkar, S. Nagarajan, C. Tosh, S. Patil, K. H. Nagaraja, K. Rajukumar, D. Senthilkumar, S. C. Dubey |
Acta Virologica Vol.64, No.3, p.325-330, 2020 |
doi:10.4149/av_2020_306 |
Price: free access |
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Mitochondria-related gene expression profiles in murine fibroblasts and macrophages during later stages of ectromelia virus infection in vitro |
Authors: L. Szulc-Dąbrowska, Z. Wyżewski, K. P. Gregorczyk-Zboroch, F. N. Toka, J. Szczepanowska, J. Struzik, Z. Nowak-Życzyńska, M. Gieryńska, M. Niemiałtowski |
Acta Virologica Vol.64, No.3, p.307-324, 2020 |
doi:10.4149/av_2020_305 |
Price: free access |
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MicroRNA-185 reduces the expression of hepatitis B virus surface antigen by targeting PRKCH in HepG2 2.2.15 cells |
Authors: R. Zhang, Z. Liu, X. Hou, M. Wang, Y. Xiong, H. Lu, Y. Wang, J. Su, Y. Liu, G. Zhang, Y. Liu |
Acta Virologica Vol.64, No.3, p.297-306, 2020 |
doi:10.4149/av_2020_304 |
Price: free access |
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SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19: How much do we know? |
Authors: M. Wang, Z. Liao |
Acta Virologica Vol.64, No.3, p.288-296, 2020 |
doi:10.4149/av_2020_301 |
Price: free access |
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SARS-CoV-2: Zoonotic origin of pandemic coronavirus |
Authors: S. Vilcek |
Acta Virologica Vol.64, No.3, p.281-287, 2020 |
doi:10.4149/av_2020_302 |
Price: free access |
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Potential therapeutic effects of Resveratrol against SARS-CoV-2 |
Authors: L. H. Ramdani, K. Bachari |
Acta Virologica Vol.64, No.3, p.276-280, 2020 |
doi:10.4149/av_2020_309 |
Price: free access |
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Obstacles and limitations of transfer factor biological activity assay design |
Authors: V. Kempová, M. Zaťovičová, I. Kajanová, L. Jelenská Lenka, L. Klimko, J. Kopáček, V. ZelnÍk |
Acta Virologica Vol.64, No.3, p.271-275, 2020 |
doi:10.4149/av_2020_303 |
Price: free access |
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Coronaviruses |
Authors: J. Rajčáni |
Acta Virologica Vol.64, No.2, p.264-267, 2020 |
doi:10.4149/av_2020_215 |
Price: free access |
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A case of coronavirus HKU1 encephalitis |
Authors: P. CAO, Y. HUANG, Z. WU, H. SUN, W. MA, T. FANG |
Acta Virologica Vol.64, No.2, p.261-263, 2020 |
doi:10.4149/av_2020_214 |
Price: free access |
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Recent advances in vaccines and diagnostics against Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus |
Authors: K. LEE, J. H. NAM |
Acta Virologica Vol.64, No.2, p.251-260, 2020 |
doi:10.4149/av_2020_208 |
Price: free access |
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Coronavirus disease 2019: A new severe acute respiratory syndrome from Wuhan in China |
Authors: Y. CAO, K. CAI, L. XIONG |
Acta Virologica Vol.64, No.2, p.245-250, 2020 |
doi:10.4149/av_2020_201 |
Price: free access |
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Chemokine-binding proteins encoded by herpesviruses |
Authors: M. Benko, S. Lenhartová, V. Kempová, T. Betáková, M. Kúdelová |
Acta Virologica Vol.64, No.2, p.233-244, 2020 |
doi:10.4149/av_2020_213 |
Price: free access |
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Tick-borne encephalitis in domestic animals |
Authors: J. SALAT, D. RUZEK |
Acta Virologica Vol.64, No.2, p.226-232, 2020 |
doi:10.4149/av_2020_212 |
Price: free access |
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Historical analysis of epizootiological situation of rabies on the territory of the Slovak Republic |
Authors: A. Ondrejková, Š. Švrček, R. Ondrejka, Z. Beníšek, J. Süli, V. Kopřiva, S. Zemanová, Z. Benkő, Ľ. Korytár |
Acta Virologica Vol.64, No.2, p.216-225, 2020 |
doi:10.4149/av_2020_211 |
Price: free access |
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Metabolic reprogramming as a feast for virus replication |
Acta Virologica Vol.64, No.2, p.201-215, 2020 |
doi:10.4149/av_2020_210 |
Price: free access |
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Retrospective review and current knowledge on the occurrence of West Nile virus in mosquito vectors, reservoirs and hosts in Slovakia (Central Europe) |
Authors: Ľ. Korytár, K. Peňazziová, J. Pistl, E. Tichá, V. Čabanová, T. Csank |
Acta Virologica Vol.64, No.2, p.187-200, 2020 |
doi:10.4149/av_2020_209 |
Price: free access |
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Posttranslational modifications of HBV core protein |
Authors: B. Lubyová, J. Weber |
Acta Virologica Vol.64, No.2, p.177-186, 2020 |
doi:10.4149/av_2020_207 |
Price: free access |
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Murid herpesvirus 4 (MuHV-4, prototype strain MHV-68) as an important model in global research of human oncogenic gammaherpesviruses |
Authors: J. Mistríková, K. Briestenská |
Acta Virologica Vol.64, No.2, p.167-176, 2020 |
doi:10.4149/av_2020_206 |
Price: free access |
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