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Published Monthly, in English
Founded: 1919
ISSN 0006-9248
(E)ISSN 1336-0345

Impact factor 1.5


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Comparison of antibacterial effects of oral rinses chlorhexidine and herbal mouth wash in patients admitted to intensive care unit
Authors: A. Gholipour Baradari, H. Darvishi Khezri, S. Arabi
Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.113, No.9, p.556–560, 2012
Price: free access
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Do the calcifications in the thyroid gland predict malignancy?
Authors: B. Gungor, A. K. Polat, C. Polat, D. Seren, K. Erzurumlu
Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.113, No.9, p.552–555, 2012
Price: free access
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The effect of antiseptic solution in central venous catheter care
Authors: K. Atahan, A. Cokmez, M. Bekoglu, E. Durak, C. Tavusbay, E. Tarcan
Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.113, No.9, p.548–551, 2012
Price: free access
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Does ovarian endometrioma affect the number of oocytes retrieved for in vitro fertilization?
Authors: H. Kiran, D. C. Arikan, M. Kaplanoglu, U. Bisak, M. T. Cetin
Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.113, No.9, p.544–547, 2012
Price: free access
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Morphometry and magnetic resonance imaging of anterior cruciate ligament and measurement of secondary signs of anterior cruciate ligament tear
Authors: A. Saxena, B. Ray, K. V. Rajagopal, A. S. D’Souza, S. Pyrtuh
Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.113, No.9, p.539–543, 2012
Price: free access
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Serum osteopontin and CD44 levels in lymphoreticular malignancies in children
Authors: M. Elli, A. Dagdemir, C. Bozkurt, F. G. Pinarli, A. Duzgun, Z. C. Ozmen, U. Ertem, S. Acar
Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.113, No.9, p.534–538, 2012
Price: free access
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Radiological evaluation of the effect of biphasic calcium phosphate scaffold (HA+TCP) with 5, 10 and 20 percentage of porosity on healing of segmental bone defect in rabbit radius
Authors: M. R. Farahpour, D. Sharifi, A. A. B. Gader, A. Veshkini, A. Soheil
Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.113, No.9, p.529–533, 2012
Price: free access
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The effect of different doses of flumazenil on acetaminophen toxicity in rats
Authors: E. Bozogluer, H. Madenoglu, R. Aksu, C. Bicer, C. Yazici, A. Boyaci
Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.113, No.9, p.525–528, 2012
Price: free access
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The 50 Hz (10 mT) sinusoidal magnetic field: effects on stress-related behavior of rats
Authors: M. A. Korpinar, M. T. Kalkan, H. Tuncel
Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.113, No.9, p.521–524, 2012
Price: free access
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Sjögren´s syndrome in present
Authors: T. Feltsan, P. Stanko, J. Mracna
Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.113, No.8, p.514–516, 2012
Price: free access
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A case of brucellosis complicated with fatal capillary leak syndrome
Authors: H. Karsen, S. T. Koruk, C. Calisur, L. Karagac, F. Duygu
Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.113, No.8, p.511–513, 2012
Price: free access
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Volvulus of splenic flexure: an autopsy case
Authors: H. Erkol, Z. Erkol, N. Aybasti, M. Inal
Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.113, No.8, p.508-510, 2012
Price: free access
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Brucellosis as a trigger agent for Henoch-Schönlein purpura
Authors: C. Akgun, S. Akbayram, S. Guner, F. Aktar, H. Temel, M. Basaranoglu
Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.113, No.8, p.506–507, 2012
Price: free access
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Gallstone ileus with a giant stone and associated multiple stones
Authors: G. S. Ozbalci, Y. Tanrikulu, K. Kismet S. Dinc, M. A. Akkus
Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.113, No.8, p.503–505, 2012
Price: free access
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Resolution of isolated syringomyelia after treatment of cervical disc herniation: Association or coincidence?
Authors: M. E. Yaman, A. Eylen, G. Ayberk
Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.113, No.8, p.500–502, 2012
Price: free access
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Surgical management of left main coronary artery aneurysm
Authors: M. Oc, B. Oc, I. Pasaoglu
Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.113, No.8, p.498-499, 2012
Price: free access
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Celiac disease and multiple sclerosis in the northwest of Iran
Authors: M. Khoshbaten, M. Farhoudi, M. Nikanfar, H. Ayromlou, S. Shaafi, S. A. Sadreddini, A. Pashapoor, A. Taheraghdam, M. Yazdchi, N. Sharifi
Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.113, No.8, p.495–497, 2012
Price: free access
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Effect of N2O on nausea and vomiting via intraabdominal pressure
Authors: H. H. Yuce, U. Goktas, I. Kati, M. B. Cegin, L. Soyoral
Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.113, No.8, p.490–494, 2012
Price: free access
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Serum leptin level has a positive correlation with BMI and creatinine clearance in CAPD patients
Authors: S. Seirafian, A. Momeni, S. Taheri, M. Mortazavi, Z. Paknahad
Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.113, No.8, p.486–489, 2012
Price: free access
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Postpericardiotomy syndrome – post-cardiac injury syndrome
Authors: E. Bucekova, I. Simkova, M. Hulman
Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.113, No.8, p.481–485, 2012
Price: free access
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