Home CONTACT General Physiology and Biophysics

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Founded: 1982
ISSN 1338-4325 (online)
ISSN 0231-5882 (print)
Published in English,
6 times per year

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General Physiology and Biophysics

General Physiology and Biophysics is peer-reviewed scientific journal devoted to the publication of original research papers concerned with general physiology, biophysics and biochemistry at the cellular and molecular level.

Edited by Institut of Molecular Physiology and Genetics, Centre of Biosciences, SAS

Published 6 times per year in English language.

Abstracted and indexed in:

  • PubMed 
  • Current Contents (Life Sciences)
  • Science Citation Index
  • Excerpta Medica database (EMBASE)
  • Google Scholar (Index Copernicus)
  • CrossRef (Digital Object Identifiers: DOI)
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