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Malignant Triton tumour exhibits a complete expression pattern of nuclear retinoid and rexinoid receptor subtypes |
Authors: Július Brtko, Daniela Sejnová, Slavomíra Ondková and Dana Macejová |
General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.28, No.4, p.425–427, 2009 |
doi:10.4149/gpb_2009_04_425 |
Price: free access |
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Extremely low frequency magnetic field exposure affects DnaK and GroEL expression in E. coli cells with impaired heat shock response |
Authors: Brunella Del Re, Pamela Marcantonio, Ferdinando Bersani, and Gianfranco Giorgi |
General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.28, No.4, p.420–424, 2009 |
doi:10.4149/gpb_2009_04_420 |
Price: free access |
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Effect of static magnetic field and/or cadmium in the antioxidant enzymes activity in rat heart and skeletal muscle |
Authors: Salem Amara, Catherine Garrel, Alain Favier, Khémais Ben Rhouma, Mohsen Sakly and Hafedh Abdelmelek |
General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.28, No.4, p.414–419, 2009 |
doi:10.4149/gpb_2009_04_414 |
Price: free access |
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Cyclic AMP increases cytoplasmic free calcium in renin-secreting cells from rat kidney |
Authors: Julia Laske-Ernst, Marc Chmielnicki, Ulrich Quast and Ulrich Russ |
General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.28, No.4, p.404–413, 2009 |
doi:10.4149/gpb_2009_04_404 |
Price: free access |
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Multidrug resistant P-glycoprotein positive L1210/VCR cells are also cross-resistant to cisplatin via a mechanism distinct from P-glycoprotein-mediated drug efflux activity |
Authors: Lenka Gibalová, Ján Sedlák, Martina Labudová, Miroslav Barančík, Alena Reháková, Albert Breier and Zdena Sulová |
General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.28, No.4, p.391–403, 2009 |
doi:10.4149/pb_2009_04_391 |
Price: free access |
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Lipoamide dehydrogenase and diaphorase catalyzed conversion of some NO donors to NO and reduction of NO scavenger 2-phenyl-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide (PTIO) |
Authors: Alena Stibingerová, Hana Velvarská, Klára Kynčlová, Běla Marounková, Marcela Špundová and Gustav Entlicher |
General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.28, No.4, p.384–390, 2009 |
doi:10.4149/gpb_2009_04_384 |
Price: free access |
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Ca2+ signaling in mouse cardiomyocytes with ablated S100A1 protein |
Authors: Konstantin Gusev, Gabriele E. Ackermann, Claus W. Heizmann and Ernst Niggli |
General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.28, No.4, p.371–383, 2009 |
doi:10.4149/gpb_2009_04_371 |
Price: free access |
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Vitamin D3 affects expression of thyroid hormone receptor alpha and deiodinase activity in liver of MNU-treated Sprague-Dawley rats |
Authors: Dana Macejová, Slavomíra Ondková and Július Brtko |
General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.28, No.4, p.363–370, 2009 |
doi:10.4149/gpb_2009_04_363 |
Price: free access |
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EPR signal reduction kinetic of several nitroxyl derivatives in blood in vitro and in vivo |
Authors: Zhivko Zhelev, Ken-Ichiro Matsumoto, Veselina Gadjeva, Rumiana Bakalova, Ichio Aoki, Antoaneta Zheleva and Kazunori Anzai |
General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.28, No.4, p.356–362, 2009 |
doi:10.4149/gpb_2009_04_356 |
Price: free access |
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Influence of pyridoxylidene aminoguanidine on biomarkers of the oxidative stress and selected metabolic parameters of rats with diabetes mellitus |
Authors: Zuzana Országhová, Anna Liptáková, Jana Muchová, Oľga Uličná, Oľga Vančová, Monika Sivoňová, Peter Božek, Jozef Čársky and Zdeňka Ďuračková |
General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.28, No.4, p.347–355, 2009 |
doi:10.4149/gpb_2009_04_347 |
Price: free access |
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Self-consistent equation of plant cell growth |
Authors: Mariusz Pietruszka |
General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.28, No.4, p.340–346, 2009 |
doi:10.4149/gpb_2009_04_340 |
Price: free access |
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Expression and purification of recombinant NFI proteins for functional analysis |
Authors: Gabriel Kollárovič, Dušana Majera, Katarína Luciaková and Peter Baráth |
General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.28, No.4, p.331–339, 2009 |
doi:10.4149/gpb_2009_04_331 |
Price: free access |
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Carboxymethylated tetrahydropyridoindoles as aldose reductase inhibitors: in vitro selectivity study in intact rat erythrocytes in relation to glycolytic pathway |
Authors: Maria Juskova, Vladimir Snirc, Alena Gajdosikova, Andrej Gajdosik, Ludmila Krizanova and Milan Stefek |
General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.28, No.4, p.325–330, 2009 |
doi:10.4149/gpb_2009_04_325 |
Price: free access |
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Activation of MAPKs influences the expression of drug-metabolizing enzymes in primary human hepatocytes |
Authors: Petr Bachleda, Radim Vrza and Zdeněk Dvořák |
General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.28, No.3, p.316–320, 2009 |
doi:10.4149/gpb_2009_03_316 |
Price: free access |
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Transepithelial transport of ambroxol hydrochloride across human intestinal Caco-2 cell monolayers |
Authors: Věra Štětinová, Libuše Smetanová, Dagmar Kholová, Zbyněk Svoboda and Jaroslav Květina |
General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.28, No.3, p.309–315, 2009 |
doi:10.4149/gpb_2009_03_309 |
Price: free access |
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Influence of decavanadate on rat synaptic plasma membrane ATPases activity |
Authors: Danijela Krstić, Mirjana Čolović, Nada Bošnjaković-Pavlović, Anne Spasojević-De Bire and Vesna Vasić |
General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.28, No.3, p.302-306, 2009 |
doi:10.4149/gpb_2009_03_302 |
Price: free access |
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Modulation of cell proliferation and differentiation of human lung carcinoma cells by the interferon-alpha |
Authors: Daniela Krejčová, Jiřina Procházková, Lukáš Kubala and Jiří Pacherník |
General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.28, No.3, p.294–301, 2009 |
doi:10.4149/gpb_2009_03_294 |
Price: free access |
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Fluorescence approach to evaluating conformational changes upon binding of β-spectrin ankyrin-binding domain mutants with the lipid bilayer |
Authors: Grzegorz Pazdzior, Anna Chorzalska, Aleksander Czogalla, Tomasz Borowi, Aleksander F. Sikorski and Marek Langner |
General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.28, No.3, p.283–293, 2009 |
doi:10.4149/gpb_2009_03_283 |
Price: free access |
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Temporal analysis of electroretinographic responses in fishes with rod-dominated and mixed rod-cone retina |
Authors: Milena Milošević, Željka Višnjić-Jeftić, Ilija Damjanović, Miroslav Nikčević, Pavle Andjus and Zoran Gačić |
General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.28, No.3, p.276–282, 2009 |
doi:10.4149/gpb_2009_03_276 |
Price: free access |
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Dietary supplementation with arachidonic acid but not eicosapentaenoic or docosahexaenoic acids alter lipids metabolism in C57BL/6J mice |
Authors: Sameh Magdeldin Yaser Elewa, Takako Ikeda, Junko Ikei, Ying Zhang, Bo Xu, Masaaki Nameta, Hidehiko Fujinaka, Yutaka Yoshida, Eishin Yaoita and Tadashi Yamamoto |
General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.28, No.3, p.266–275, 2009 |
doi:10.4149/gpb_2009_03_266 |
Price: free access |
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