Home CONTACT Acta Virologica 2011 Acta Virologica Vol.55, No.3, p.235-241, 2011

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Founded: 1957
ISSN 0001-723X
E-ISSN 1336-2305

Published in English

Impact Factor = 1.82

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Acta Virologica Vol.55, No.3, p.235-241, 2011

Title: Studies on interaction of cucurbit aphid-borne yellow virus proteins using yeast two-hybrid system and bimolecular fluorescence complementation
Author: X. H. CHEN, H. Y. XIANG, Z. WANG, Y. J. ZHANG, C. G. HAN, D. W. LI, J. L. YU, Y. Q. CHENG

Abstract: In this article, yeast two-hybrid system (YTHS) and bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) were used to analyze the interactions of cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus (CABYV)-encoded proteins. P0, P1, P1-2, P3, P4, and P5 were tested by YTHS in all possible pairwise combinations, and only
P3/P3 interaction was detected. Results obtained by BiFC further confirmed the self-interaction of P3, and the subcellular localization of reconstituted YFP fluorescence was observed mainly in nuclei of Nicotiana benthamiana leaf epidermal cells. Domains involved in P3/P3 self-interaction were analyzed by YTHS and BiFC using deletion mutants. The results showed that R domain (residues 1–61) in the N-terminus could self-interact, and it also interacted with the S domain (residues 62–199) in the C-terminus of P3. The present work would serve as a molecular basis for further characterization of CABYV proteins, and the regions involved in P3/P3 self-interaction could provide the clue for understanding the capsid assembly pathway of CABYV.

Keywords: Polerovirus; protein-protein interaction; subcellular localization; interaction domain
Year: 2011, Volume: 55, Issue: 3 Page From: 235, Page To: 241

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