Home General Physiology and Biophysics 2012 General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.31, No.1, p.93–100, 2012

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General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.31, No.1, p.93–100, 2012

Title: Glutamate receptors and the airways hyperreactivity
Author: Anna Strapkova, Martina Antosova

Abstract: Abstract. It is proposed the link between the hyperactivity of NMDA receptors and airway hyperresponsiveness. We investigated the effect of agents modulating the activity of NMDA receptors in the ovalbumin-induced airway hyperreactivity in guinea pigs. The airways hyperreactivity was influenced by the agonist (NMDA) and selective antagonist – competitive (AP-5) and non-competitive (MK-801) of NMDA receptors. Airway responsiveness to histamine or acetylcholine was evaluated in in vitro conditions. NMDA administration caused the increase of tracheal smooth muscle response in ovalbumin-induced hyperreactivity to acetylcholine. MK-801 as well as AP-5 provoked the decrease of reactivity mainly to acetylcholine in tracheal smooth muscle, while the former, non-competitive antagonist was more effective. We recorded more pronounced response in tracheal than in lung tissue smooth muscle with more considerable response to acetylcholine than to histamine. The results of experiments show the modification of airway smooth muscles responses by agents modulating the activity of NMDA receptors. They confirm the possibility of NMDA receptors participation in experimental airway hyperreactivity. The results enlarge information regarding the link of the inflammatory diseases and glutamatergic system.

Keywords: NMDA receptors — Airway hyperreactivity — MK-801 — AP-5
Year: 2012, Volume: 31, Issue: 1 Page From: 93, Page To: 100

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