Home FOR AUTHORS Bratislava Medical Journal 2013 Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.114, No.3, p.150-154, 2013

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Published Monthly, in English
Founded: 1919
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Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.114, No.3, p.150-154, 2013

Title: Non-dipping morning blood pressure and isolated systolic hypertension in elderly
Author: M. H. Zain-El Abdin, M. Snincak, K. Pahuli, Z. Solarova, P. Hrabcakova


Objective: Morning hypertension is currently the blind spot in the clinical practice of hypertension, home 24-hour blood pressure measurement has been recommended in patients with a high clinic blood pressure and patients with target organ damage.
Aim: To assess whether an increased early morning blood pressure surge, established via a single 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, in treated elderly hypertensive’s is related to more prominent target organ damage.
Material and methods: 310 treated hypertensive patients randomly attended the out-patient clinic of our hypertension centre.

The patients were divided in 2 groups: systolic/diastolic blood pressure hypertension (n = 266) and isolated systolic hypertension (n = 44 76 ±10 yrs).

Results: Equivalent in both males and females, despite the rise in nondippers with an early morning surge (higher in females). Hyperlipidemia arises equally in dippers and nondippers, 45 % of nondippers had diabetes mellitus; 30 % suffered previous renal insufficiency and about 29 % of patients suffered from an endocrine disorder, mostly thyroid. Metabolic syndrome was only found to be associated with a nondipping pattern (3 %). Left ventricular hypertrophy was present in 100 % of patients, heart failure in 60 % nondippers and 56 % dippers, potential renal insufficiency in 34 % nondippers and 22 % dippers, retinopathy in 31 % non dippers and 11 % dippers, aortic aneurysm was only in nondippers.
Conclusion: Early morning surge is a predictor of hypertensive target organ damage, being a dipper or nondipper patient with isolated systolic hypertension, might not make a difference depending on one’s own degree of target organ damage and diurnal variation (Fig. 2, Ref. 30).

Keywords: isolated systolic hypertension, early morning blood pressure surge, dippers, nondippers.
Year: 2013, Volume: 114, Issue: 3 Page From: 150, Page To: 154

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