Home FOR AUTHORS Bratislava Medical Journal 2013 Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.114, No.4, p.189–191, 2013

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Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.114, No.4, p.189–191, 2013

Title: Effect of iloprost on erythrocyte deformability in rat’s lower extremity undergoing an ischemia reperfusion injury
Author: M. Arslan, T. Donmez, D. Erer, T. Tatar, F. M. Comu, M. Alkan


Aim: Ischemia reperfusion injury (I/R) in lower extremity is a frequent and important clinical phenomenon. The protective effect of iloprost on local and distant organ injury due to I/R has been well documented but its effect on erythrocyte deformability needs further investigation. Our aim was to investigate the effect of iloprost on erythrocyte deformability in the infrarenal aorta of rats undergoing I/R.
Materials and methods: Our study was conducted with 18 Wistar albino rats. Rats were divided into the 3 groups; the randomized control group (group C; n=6), I/R group without iloprost (group I/R; n=6) and I/R group with iloprost – 10 mcg.kg-1, 30 min infusion (group I/R-I; n=6). Packs of erythrocytes were prepared from heparinized blood samples and deformability measurements were done.
Results: The comparisons of the control and I/R-I groups revealed similar results (p=0.951). The values of the IR group were significantly higher than those of the control and IR-I groups (p=0.006, p=0.011, respectively).

Conclusion: In our study, we detected the unfavourable effects of I/R on erythrocyte deformability, which may lead to disturbance in blood flow and hence tissue perfusion in the infrarenal rat aorta. We also found that Iloprost had beneficial effects by reversing the undesirable effects of I/R (Fig. 1, Ref. 15).

Keywords: erythrocyte deformability, ischemia reperfusion, ilioprost, rat
Year: 2013, Volume: 114, Issue: 4 Page From: 189, Page To: 191

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