Home FOR AUTHORS Bratislava Medical Journal 2013 Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.114, No.4, p.192–198, 2013

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Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.114, No.4, p.192–198, 2013

Title: Antioxidative and therapeutic effects of spirulina on trichloroethylene induced cutaneous irritation balb/c mice
Author: N. Gurbuz, Z. K. Coskun, S. Omeroglu, A. C. Bayraktar, Z. Ciraci


Objectives: To evaluate the antioxidative and therapeutic effects of spirulina on the trichloroethylene induced cutaneous irritation balb/c mice.
Background: During recent years, an attention has been focused on the antioxidant potential of Spirulina species.
Methods: Balb/c mice were randomized into the four groups. At the end of the each application, the rats were sacrificed and dorsal skin was taken. Histopathologic and immunohistochemical evaluations were conducted, oxidative stress was assessed by the measurement of malondialdehyde (MDA) levels, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities and nitric oxide (NO) production.
Results: There was a statistically significant decreased disruption in epidermal integrity, oedema in intercellular dermis, disorganization in collagen fibres and immunoreactivity in the pre acute dermatitis/ antioxidant and the post acute dermatitis/ treatment groups when compared to the acute dermatitis group (p<0.05).

Conclusion: The results of the present study indicate the antioxidative and therapeutic effects of Spirulina on trichloroethylene induced cutaneous irritation balb/c mice (Tab. 2, Fig. 8, Ref. 33).

Keywords: spirulina, trichlorethylene, acute dermatitis, antioxidative effect, treatment effect, balb/c mice
Year: 2013, Volume: 114, Issue: 4 Page From: 192, Page To: 198

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