Home Bratislava Medical Journal 2014 Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.115, No.2, p.101-102, 2014

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Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.115, No.2, p.101-102, 2014

Title: Kidney transplant early venous complications managed by reperfusion and re-transplantation – salvage procedure
Author: L. Janousek, M. Kudla, J. Slatinska, O. Viklicky, J. Fronek

Abstract: We report five cases of early venous complications, all successfully rescued by graft removal, re-perfusion and re-transplantation, these kidneys would have been lost otherwise. All kidneys were from deceased donors, mean donor age was 39 years (range 29–55), with serum creatitine levels on harvesting being 81 μmol/l (65–108), glomerular filtration of 1.46 ml/s (0.82–1.83). Reasons for venous complications were following: Two cases of renal vein stenosis, another two with renal vein laceration, one renal vein thrombosis for unknown reason. All the five kidney grafts have been rescued successfully. One year‘s results in this group comes as mean serum creatinine level of 127 μmol/l. The described approach gives a chance to the patients with early vein thrombosis and offers the kidney graft salvage (Ref. 4).

Keywords: kidney transplantation, vascular complications, reperfusion, rescue
Year: 2014, Volume: 115, Issue: 2 Page From: 101, Page To: 102

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