Home Bratislava Medical Journal 2014 Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.115, No.2, p.103-106, 2014

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Founded: 1919
ISSN 0006-9248
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Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.115, No.2, p.103-106, 2014

Title: Extremely high concentration of folates in premature newborns
Author: T. Zikavska, I. Brucknerova

Abstract: Objectives: Extremely high concentration of folates in premature newborns: case reports.
Background: Folates are a group of water soluble compounds, which are important for metabolic processes in human body. These are important during periods of rapid cell growth. The most accurate indicator of long-term folate level status in the body is the determination of red blood cell (RBC) folate concentrations. The optimal level of RBC folate is not known in neonatal period. Authors discuss the reasons for extremely high level of RBC folate concentrations.
Methods: In our work we present the cases of two premature newborns with extremely high level of RBC folate concentrations, which were analyzed immunochemically on the first day of life and after six weeks of life.
Results: In both cases we measured RBC folate concentrations on the 1st day of life. After 6 weeks we found extremely high RBC folate concentration level (5516.67 ng/ml) in the first case after RBC transfusions. In second case after two months of life the RBC folate concentration level was doubled (2335.1 ng/ml) until 24 hours after RBC transfusion compared to levels after birth.
Conclusion: The normal range of RBC folate values vary in newborns. The upper limit of daily dose of folic acid in pregnancy and neonatal period is not known. On the other hand it is an easily excreted water-soluble vitamin but in premature newborn it can lead to the disruption of metabolic balance and slow its degradation. Some factors can have an impact on RBC folate concentration. Blood transfusion can be one of the main influences on RBC folate concentration. To clarify these mechanisms further studies are required (Ref. 29).

Keywords: newborn, folic acid, anaemia, red blood cell folate concentrations, blood transfusion.
Year: 2014, Volume: 115, Issue: 2 Page From: 103, Page To: 106

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