Home General Physiology and Biophysics 2014 General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.33, No.3, p.259–279, 2014

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General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.33, No.3, p.259–279, 2014

Title: Most frequent molecular and immunohistochemical markers present in selected types of brain tumors
Author: Romana Richterová, Jana Jurečeková, Andrea Evinová, Branislav Kolarovszki, Martin Benčo, Július De Riggo, Juraj Šutovský, Silvia Mahmood, Peter Račay, Dušan Dobrota

Abstract: Tumors of brain tissue and meninges create a heterogeneous group with various biological behavior, therapy management and differing prognosis. Some of these do not require treatment, some can be cured by surgery and some are rapidly fatal despite treatment. Despite huge progress in tumor research, innovations in diagnostic tools and therapy, prognosis remains, in case of malignant tumor types, very serious. There has been an increased understanding of molecular abnormalities occurring in primary brain tumors. Genome-wide analyses of tumors have improved the knowledge in tumor biology. The aim of the research is to explain the oncogenesis features thus leading to the use of new therapeutic modalities in order to prolong survival rate of patients and at the same time providing satisfactory life quality. This article offers a short review of the basic genetic alterations present with some histological types of brain tumors.

Keywords: Brain tumors — Glioma — Meningioma — Genetic alteration
Year: 2014, Volume: 33, Issue: 3 Page From: 259, Page To: 279

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