Home Bratislava Medical Journal 2015 Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.116, No.2, p.101-103, 2015

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Published Monthly, in English
Founded: 1919
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Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.116, No.2, p.101-103, 2015

Title: Effect of Short-term 900 MHz low level electromagnetic radiation exposure on blood serotonin and glutamate levels
Author: A. H. Eris, H. S. Kiziltan, I. Meral, H. Genc, M. Trabzon, H. Seyithanoglu, B. Yagci, O. Uysal

Abstract: Background: Long term exposure to low level electromagnetic radiation (LLER) by using cellular phones causes serious health problems.
Methods: Ten male Wistar Albino rats were anesthetized 30 min before the LLER exposure, 0.5 ml blood was taken from the tail vein of rats in order to determine control values. Rats were grouped by three and placed on a plexi-glass flat. A fixed equivalent frequency emitter device was used. A sign to be an electromagnetic field 15.14 V/m (608 mW/m2) in strength in the head region with 100 kHz FM modulation at 900 MHz was applied to the animals. After calculating the ideal position for the device, electromagnetic LLER energy was applied for 45 minutes from a distance to be equal with energy transmitted by a mobile phone from a 0.5–1 cm distance to their head regions. After 1.5 hours and before the rats awoke, 0.5 ml of blood was taken from the tail veins in order to determine the treatment values.
Results: Plasma 5-HT and glutamate levels were measured by enzyme immunoassay (EIA) using commercial kits. It was found that a single 45 min of LLER exposure increased the blood 5-HT level significantly, but did not change the glutamate level of rats.
Conclusion: It was concluded that even a single 45 min of LLER exposure may produce an increase in 5-HT level without changing the blood glutamate level. Increased 5-HT level may lead to a retarded learning and a deficit in spatial memory (Tab. 2, Fig. 2, Ref. 24).

Keywords: low level electromagnetic radiation, serotonin, glutamate, rat.
Year: 2015, Volume: 116, Issue: 2 Page From: 101, Page To: 103

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