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Endocrine Regulations Vol.49, No.1, p.20-24, 2015 |
Title: Serum pyroglutamyl aminopeptidase activity: a promising novel biomarker candidate for liver cirrhosis | ||
Author: M. J. Megias, F. Alba-Araguez, J. D. Luna, F. Vives, M. Ramirez-Sanchez | ||
Abstract: Objective. As a reflect of tissue damage, serum aminopeptidases have been proposed as biomarkers of various diseases. In order to search new serologic markers for liver cirrhosis we conducted a preliminary study in which we analyzed a broad range of aminopeptidase activities in serum of controls and patients diagnosed with pancreatitis, hepatitis, and liver cirrhosis without distinction among the etiological type or the degree of severity of each condition. Compared with control group, alanyl- and arginyl-aminopeptidase activities increased nonspecifically in pancreatitis, hepatitis and liver cirrhosis, glutamyl- and cystinyl-aminopeptidases did not differ between groups and pyroglutamyl-aminopeptidase demonstrated that while pancreatitis and hepatitis did not differ between them and with controls, this activity decreased selectively in liver cirrhosis compared with all the rest of groups (p<0.001 vs. control and p<0.01 vs. pancreatitis and hepatitis). Aspartyl-aminopeptidase also decreased significantly (p<0.05) in liver cirrhosis compared with controls. Routine parameters for liver function test increased, as expected, in the three pathologies analyzed. |
Keywords: aminopeptidases, arylamides, serum biomarkers, liver cirrhosis | ||
Year: 2015, Volume: 49, Issue: 1 | Page From: 20, Page To: 24 | |
doi:10.4149/endo_2015_01_20 |
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