Home General Physiology and Biophysics 2015 General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.34, No.3, p.285–291, 2015

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General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.34, No.3, p.285–291, 2015

Title: An autonomous real-time single-channel detection of absence seizures in WAG/Rij rats
Author: Roghayeh Aghazadeh, Parviz Shahabi, Javad Frounchi, Mina Sadighi

Abstract: This paper presents a real-time, completely automated and patient independent algorithm for detection of absence seizures in WAG/Rij rats as a valid animal model of human absence epilepsy. Single-channel EEG recordings containing totally 488 seizures from 8 WAG/Rij rats were analyzed using the real-time SWD detection algorithm. The proposed algorithms based on the variation of wavelet power to the background power in two specific frequency bands whose spectral power are highly correlated with SWDs. The wavelet powers of two specific frequency bands are calculated with a pattern-adapted mother wavelet and compared with an adaptive ratio of background power of each frequency band. The results indicate used algorithm is able to detect the whole 488 seizures within less than 1 s with sensitivity of 100%. The average precision for 1200, 1400 and 1600 point of window size was 95.2%, 98.3% and 99.17%, respectively. The present algorithm, with its high sensitivity and specificity, could be used for further studies of absence seizures in humans and rats and could be implemented as real-time system for closed loop deep brain stimulation systems.

Keywords: Absence epilepsy — EEG — WAG/Rij rats — Wavelet analyses — Pattern-adapted wavelet
Published online: 22-Jun-2015
Year: 2015, Volume: 34, Issue: 3 Page From: 285, Page To: 291

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