Home Bratislava Medical Journal 2016 Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.116, No.3, p.133–136, 2016

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Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.116, No.3, p.133–136, 2016

Title: The nonskeletal effects of vitamin D3 and the threshold limit associated with the risk of health complications
Author: V. Mojto, M. Kolcunova, Z. Rausova, J. Chrenova, L. Dedik


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the threshold limit of vitamin D3 associated with the risk of nonskeletal health complications in humans.
BACKGROUND: Vitamin D3 deficiency is primary caused by a reduced sun exposure, consequent limiting of vitamin D3 production in the skin, and low intake of food with this vitamin.
METHODS: Ninety-two adults (25–95 years old) were admitted to III. Internal clinic or examined in outpatient department of The University hospital in Bratislava. Vitamin D3 levels were determined using electrochemical luminescence immunoassay. The least square method for the results processing was used.
RESULTS: Vitamin D3 level 16 ng/ml may be threshold limit for the risk of hypertension, ischaemic heart disease, renal insufficiency and diabetes mellitus. A higher occurrence of the observed diseases was in female and male patients with vitamin D3 levels<16 ng/ml.The highest increase of occurrence of diabetes mellitus in women for vitamin D3<16 ng/ml (160%) compared to vitamin D3≥16 ng/ml (40%) was observed. Concerning the men, the highest increase refers to ischaemic heart disease (67%).

CONCLUSION: The limit value of vitamin D3, 16 ng/ml, confirmed the association between vitamin D3 insufficiency and the presence of hypertension, ischaemic heart disease, renal insufficiency and diabetes mellitus. Its relation to age, sex and other variables was detected (Tab. 1, Fig. 5, Ref. 27).

Keywords: diabetes mellitus, hypertension, threshold limit, Vitamin D3 level, insufficiency
Published online: 24-Feb-2016
Year: 2016, Volume: 116, Issue: 3 Page From: 133, Page To: 136

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