Author: S. Gungor, U. A. Akturk, M. Yalcinsoy, N. D. Kocak, N. C. Goksenoglu, S. A. Altunbey, S. A. Bekir, A. A. O. Guven, P. Sucu, S. U. Kuver, E. Aksoy, D. Duman, M. C. Agca, S. Oztas, E. Akkaya, Z. Karakurt |
Abstract: AIM: Information regarding the Neutrophil/Lymphocyte ratio (NLR) in sarcoidosis and the data from studies recommending its use as an indicator of inflammation and in the differential diagnosis and prognosis, are limited. With this study, it was aimed to obtain data regarding the NLR level in the patients at the time of presentation to the hospital and to determine the characteristics of patients in whom the NLR value was > 2. RESULTS: During the study period, of the 3434 patients with the sub-diagnosis of D86, 1300 cases whose complete blood count values had been recorded at the time of presentation were included in the study. Of the cases, 40 % were pulmonary sarcoidosis, 7 % were pulmonary sarcoidosis with sarcoidosis of the lymph nodes, 8 % were lymph node sarcoidosis, 1 % were sarcoidosis, of other combined areas, and 40 % of the cases were sarcoidosis that were unspecified. The F/M of the cases were 947/353, and the average age of the cases was 44. When the sarcoidosis groups were grouped into NLR < 2 (Group 1) and NLR ≥ 2 (Gorup 2), 27 % were Group 1, 73 % were Group 2, and a significant correlation was found between the two groups. When the inflammatory indicators were compared with NLR, the PLT/MPV was found to be statistically insignificant, and the ACE, ESR and CRP were found to be statistically significant. CONCLUSION: The Neutrophil/Lymphocyte ratio in the complete blood count, which is an easy and cheap test, can be used as an indicator of inflammation in Sarcoidosis. In clinical practice, wide-based studies comprising the activity and the staging in the prognosis of sarcoidosis are required (Tab. 2, Fig. 2, Ref. 26).