Home Bratislava Medical Journal 2016 Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.116, No.3, p.161–165, 2016

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Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.116, No.3, p.161–165, 2016

Title: Ultrastructural changes of kidney in diabetic rats
Author: M. Miko, J. Jakubovsky, M. Vrabcova, I. Varga

Abstract: OBJECTIVES: To demonstrate histopathological changes in diabetic kidneys of the rat on ultrastructural level with focusing on glomerular cellular environment.
METHODS: Male Wistar rats were administered streptozotocin and after 8 weeks, their kidneys were studied using qualitative transmission electron microscope analysis.
RESULTS: In diabetic kidneys, the presence of irregularly thickened glomerular membrana basalis (GBM), often up to six times as compared to healthy kidney GBM, mainly around peripheral capillary loops, was striking. We also demonstrated lamination and split appearance of GBM, with presence of delicate fibrillar structure, which was absent within normal GBM. Accumulation of mesangial matrix was found only occasionally.
CONCLUSION: Model may be useful to better understand the mechanisms that play role in the progression of DM-induced renal disease and to comprehend the morphological changes, which this process leaves within the tissue. The clear association between ultra-structure and functional markers may not be necessary (Fig. 4, Ref. 27).

Keywords: diabetic nephropathy, TEM, glomerular basement membrane, mesangium
Published online: 24-Feb-2016
Year: 2016, Volume: 116, Issue: 3 Page From: 161, Page To: 165

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