Home HOME Bratislava Medical Journal 2017 Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.118, No.11, p.676-683, 2017

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Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.118, No.11, p.676-683, 2017

Title: Inhibition by Egb761 of the effect of cellphone radiation on the male reproductive system
Author: F. Gevrek, D. Aydin, S. Ozsoy, H. Aygun, C. Bicer

Abstract: OBJECTIVES: To determine the effects of Egb761 on testicular tissues and semen parameters in rats exposed to cellphone waves.
BACKGROUND: EGb761 has antioxidant properties as a free-radical scavenger. Cellphone electromagnetic radiation (EMR) induces oxidative stress in cells.
METHODS: Twenty-one Wistar albino male adult rats were divided into three groups (control, experimental, treatment), including seven rats in each. The experimental and treatment groups were exposed to cellphone EMR (0.96 W/kg) for six weeks (4 hrs/day). Egb761 (100 mg/kg/day) was also added to the treatment. Testes, epididymal semen and blood plasma were used for analysis.
RESULTS: Exposure to cellular phone radiation resulted in a significant impairment in testicular morphometry and histological structure, reduction of total and motile sperm numbers and plasma testosterone level. Egb761 administration improved testicular damage and led to a marked increase in plasma testosterone levels and total and motile sperm numbers.
CONCLUSION: Male reproductive system is susceptible to cellphone radiation. Cellphone waves induce toxic effects in testicular tissues, impair spermatogenesis and cause an imbalance in testosterone hormone levels. Egb761 ameliorated these toxic effects by reversing testicular tissue damage, restoring normal spermatogenesis and hormone levels. This suggests that Egb761 is a potential therapeutic agent against EMR-induced male reproductive toxicity (Tab. 3, Fig. 6, Ref. 45).

Keywords: electromagnetic radiation, ginkgo biloba extract, sperm, testis, testosterone
Published online: 05-Dec-2017
Year: 2017, Volume: 118, Issue: 11 Page From: 676, Page To: 683

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