Home FOR AUTHORS Bratislava Medical Journal 2017 Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.118, No.12, p.724-731, 2017

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Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.118, No.12, p.724-731, 2017

Title: Is the prevalence of the medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws underestimated, evaluation in oncological and non-oncological disease
Author: B. Galis, J. Zajko, D. Hirjak, L. Vanko, I. Kupcova, J. Jurkemik, P. Gengelova, K. Mikuskova, K. Halmova, M. Riznic, L. Czako

Abstract: OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw in Slovak population and compare the literature findings, whether the prevalence of MRONJ is underestimated.
BACKGROUND: Antiresorptive drugs significantly increase quality of life, although during therapy, or in post-treatment period, osteonecrosis of the jaws might occur as a severe adverse effect. Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ) is a severe problem that has been observed in the past few years.
METHODS: This multi-centric study evaluates the prevalence in Slovak population, assesses the values from 4 largest centres of maxillofacial surgery in Slovakia (1166 patients with MRONJ) and provides the comparison of literature review.
RESULTS: Between 2010–2015, there was increasing number of newly diagnosed patients with MRONJ (1166 overall MRONJ patients) annually, except 2012 (mean growth of 123.88 %). This finding was supported by a statistical analysis of the rising tendency of prevalence in literature, where there was a significant difference in prevalence of non-oncologic patients before and after 2010 t(15) = 2.725, p = 0.016. The 6-year prevalence was 1.34 % in population with antiresorptive drugs intake, for osteoporosis 0.47 %, for breast cancer 4.10 %, prostate cancer 3.99 % and multiple myeloma 21.26 %.
CONCLUSION: This study considers that there is a significant rising tendency of MRONJ in non-oncological patients, what could be caused by underestimation of the risk for development MRONJ in these patients. There should be a better cooperation and information among dentists and doctors indicating the antiresorptive treatment and strong emphasis on primary prevention before the initial treatment even in non-oncological patients (Tab. 5, Fig. 7, Ref. 69).

Keywords: bisphosphonates, osteonecrosis, jaw, BRONJ, MRONJ, prevalence, antiresorptive drugs
Published online: 04-Jan-2018
Year: 2017, Volume: 118, Issue: 12 Page From: 724, Page To: 731

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