Home General Physiology and Biophysics 2018 General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.37, No.1, p.71–82, 2018

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General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.37, No.1, p.71–82, 2018

Title: Action potential propagation: ion current or intramembrane electric field?
Author: Albert Martí, Juan J. Pérez, Jordi Madrenas

Abstract: The established action potential propagation mechanisms do not satisfactorily explain propagation on myelinated axons given the current knowledge of biological channels and membranes. The flow across ion channels presents two possible effects: the electric potential variations across the lipid bilayers (action potential) and the propagation of an electric field through the membrane inner part. The proposed mechanism is based on intra-membrane electric field propagation, this propagation can explain the action potential saltatory propagation and its constant delay independent of distance between Ranvier nodes in myelinated axons.

Keywords: Saltatory action potential propagation — Ion channels — Intra-membrane electric fields — Myelinated axon — Neuron membrane
Published online: 22-Jan-2018
Year: 2018, Volume: 37, Issue: 1 Page From: 71, Page To: 82

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