Home HOME Psychológia a patopsych. dieťaťa 2019 Psychológia a patopsychológia dieťaťa, 53, 2019, č. 1, s. 36–47

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Psychológia a patopsychológia dieťaťa, 53, 2019, č. 1, s. 36–47

Title: Storytelling vo výučbe psychológie pre budúcich učiteľov
Author: Lenka Sokolová



Creating a meaningful and effective link between theory and practice is one the greatest challenges of teacher training. Working with stories, a technique referred to as storytelling, is considered to facilitate practical application of theoretical knowledge. The goal of this study is to introduce a theoretical framework for using storytelling as a teaching method in psychology course for future teachers and to analyse the feedback from teacher training students on working with this method. According to students’ statements, storytelling is beneficial especially for connecting theory and practice; they appreciated authenticity of the stories, innovativeness of the method and new knowledge they gained. The students’ reflections also show higher levels of their emotional involvement in learning.

Keywords: storytelling, case studies, future teachers, teaching psychology, video stories, online living library
Published online: 25-Jun-2019
Year: 2019, Volume: 53, Issue: 1 Page From: 36, Page To: 47

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