Home HOME Bratislava Medical Journal 2019 Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.120, No.9, p.690-694, 2019

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Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.120, No.9, p.690-694, 2019

Title: Analyses of severe acute maternal morbidity in Slovakia during years 2012–2016
Author: A. Kristufkova, M. Borovsky, J. Danis, M. Dugatova, B. Levayova, M. Korbel

Abstract: Aim: Severe acute maternal morbidity (SAMM) is a state of the woman, when she nearly died, but survived. The aim of study was to find out the exact incidence of SAMM in Slovakia, establishment of functional surveillance system and improve quality of health care.
Materials and methods: The regular annual analyses of SAMM cases in Slovakia from January 1st 2012 to December 31st 2016. Observed SAMM included: peripartum haemorrhage, peripartum hysterectomy, uterine rupture, abnormally invasive placenta, HELLP syndrome, eclampsia, sepsis, transport to intensive care unit or anaesthesiology and non-fatal amniotic fluid embolism.
Results: The response rate of questionnaires was 84.8 %. The overall confirmed incidence of SAMM was 6.35/1,000 births (95% CI 6.03–6.67). The most often causes of SAMM were: peripartum haemorrhage (2.1/1,000 births), transport to intensive care unit or anaesthesiology (1.46/1,000 births), peripartum hysterectomy (0.84/1,000 births) and HELLP syndrome (0.63/1,000 births). The average age of women with SAMM was 30.3 years (14–46) and average parity was 1.16 (0–15).
Conclusion: The incidence of SAMM and especially incidence of peripartum haemorrhage and peripartum hysterectomy in Slovakia is one of the highest in Europe. To decrease incidence and improve management and outcome of patients, regular audit of SAMM is needed (Tab. 3, Fig. 2, Ref. 30).

Keywords: severe acute maternal morbidity, surveillance system, severe postpartum haemorrhage, peripartum hysterectomy, eclampsia, HELLP syndrome, abnormally invasive placenta, uterine rupture, sepsis, amniotic fluid embolism, transport to intensive care unit or anaesthesiology
Published online: 28-Aug-2019
Year: 2019, Volume: 120, Issue: 9 Page From: 690, Page To: 694

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