Home FOR AUTHORS Bratislava Medical Journal 2020 Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.121, No.5, p.325–330,2020

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Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.121, No.5, p.325–330,2020

Title: Late effects of cutaneous 3-methylcholanthrene exposure on DNA damage-related pleiotropic growth factors and oxidative stress markers in mice
Author: T. Devrim, H. Ekici, A. K. Devrim, M. Sozmen, A. Senol, K. K. Bozkur, O. Duru, S. Yalcin

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Skin is the body’s first defence against direct exposure to variety of chemicals. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons such as 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC) are common in polluted urban air and have a potential of producing harmful effects. Moreover, their late effects can occur months or years after exposure.
OBJECTIVES: We aimed to investigate the long-term effects of 3-MC induced dermal toxicity on the expression of markers of apoptosis, pleiotropic cytokines, and oxidative stress and to determine the protective effect of cisplatin.
METHODS: Groups were designed as control (group 1), 3-MC applied (group 2) and 3-MC+cisplatin applied mice (group 3). Cutaneous expressions of TGFβ, PDGFA, PDGFC, bFGF, PDGFRα, USP28, and Ki67 were evaluated with qPCR. Total oxidant (TOS), total antioxidant (TAS) and oxidative stress index (OSI) values were determined in liver and kidney tissues.
RESULTS: The expression levels of TGFβ, PDGFRα, USP-28, Ki67, and PDGFA were decreased significantly in MC applied groups. Renal TAS levels were significantly lower in group-3. Liver and kidney OSI values were increased in both groups 2 and 3.
CONCLUSION: The results indicated that low dose 3-MC caused oxidative stress and downregulated apoptotic and cytokine markers in the long term and cisplatin had no ameliorative effects on this degeneration processes (Tab. 3, Fig. 3, Ref. 32). Text in PDF www.elis.sk.

Keywords: 3-methylcholanthrene, late effect, oxidative stress, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, pleiotropic cytokines.
Published online: 29-Apr-2020
Year: 2020, Volume: 121, Issue: 5 Page From: 325, Page To: 330

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