Home FOR AUTHORS Cardiology Letters 2021 Cardiology Letters Vol.30, No.1, p.53–56, 2021

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Cardiology Letters Vol.30, No.1, p.53–56, 2021

Title: Transcatheter mitral valve replacement with Tendyne valve: The first two cases in Slovakia
Author: M. Hulman, M. Bena, I. Gasparovic, A. Ftacnikova, P. Artemiou

Abstract: Transcatheter mitral valve replacement (TMVR) with the Tendyne mitral valve has emerged as a novel potential therapy for patients with severe mitral valve disease who are unsuitable candidates for conventional surgery and transcatheter mitral repair with MitraClip. In this communication we present the first two cases that were performed in Slovakia and the V4 countries. Two surgically high risk female patients 78 and 79 years old respectively (EuroScore II 7.8% and 7.4% respectively) also unsuitable candidates for transcatheter mitral repair with MitraClip, underwent transapical TMVR with the Tendyne valve. Both procedures were successful: one of the patients two months after the procedure is doing well, the other patient had a complicated postoperative course and died on postoperative day 4. Moreover we present a brief description of the valve, and of the deployment technique, and an overview of the major clinical studies. Fig. 3, Ref. 7, on-line full text (Free, PDF).

Keywords: mitral valve regurgitation – transcatheter mitral valve replacement – Tendyne valve prosthesis
Published online: 29-Mar-2021
Year: 2021, Volume: 30, Issue: 1 Page From: 53, Page To: 56

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