Home Bratislava Medical Journal 2021 Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.122, No.9, p.618–620,2021

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Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.122, No.9, p.618–620,2021

Title: Contrast-induced encephalopathy
Author: L. Babalova, R. Ruzinak, J. Ballova, S. Sivak, E. Kantorova, E. Kurca, K. Zelenak, V. Nosal

Abstract: Contrast-induced encephalopathy (CIE) is a rare complication of the intravascular application of a contrast agent. CIE can be manifested by headache, cortical blindness, consciousness disorders, seizures, or focal neurological deficit. Neurological symptoms are typically transient with temporary abnormal findings on a brain scan. Urgent neuroimaging is important to obtain the correct diagnosis, especially in cases that require an acute management and treatment. We present a case of CIE after a digital subtraction angiography of the vertebral arteries in the patient with a symptomatic pre-occlusive stenosis of the posterior cerebral artery (Ref. 36). Text in PDF www.elis.sk

Keywords: encephalopathy, iodixanol, contrast agent, cortical blindness, cerebral angiography
Published online: 31-Aug-2021
Year: 2021, Volume: 122, Issue: 9 Page From: 618, Page To: 620

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