Home Bratislava Medical Journal 2022 Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.123, No.1, p 66–71, 2022

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Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.123, No.1, p 66–71, 2022

Title: Bronchoscopy in the Czech Republic in the past 45 years and the state in 2020
Author: M. Marel, J. Votruba

Abstract: BACKGROUND AND METHOD: To determine the current situation and trends in bronchology in the Czech Republic (CR), a questionnaire survey has been conducted by the Czech Pneumological and Phthisiological Society (CPFS).
RESULTS: In 2020, 158 bronchoscopists conducted 26,700 BRS procedures, 927 of them were rigid. 2,869 procedures were done under general anaesthesia. Of diagnostic methods, the use of endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) is rising, being available in 35 % BRS facilities in 2020. Interventional bronchology procedures are conducted in 17 facilities and 1,517 were executed in 2020. The numbers of cryocauterizations and stenting are growing. In the questionnaire we asked also about biomarkers of lung carcinoma that are examined at 47 out of 49 facilities. Since 1975 when 11,194 bronchoscopies were conducted in the CR, their numbers increased to 33,282 in 2009, then dropping slightly to 26,700 in 2020. At present, 254 bronchoscopies are conducted per 100,000 inhabitants in a year.
CONCLUSIONS: Based on the BRS survey in 2020 it can be concluded that Czech bronchology is developing in the right direction and is well equipped with both, staff and technical devices. We are adopting new methods without delays and we expand the use of those working well (EBUS) (Tab. 4, Ref. 13).

Keywords: bronchoscopy, endobronchial ultrasound, national survey
Published online: 30-Dec-2021
Year: 2022, Volume: 123, Issue: 1 Page From: 66, Page To: 71

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