Home FOR AUTHORS Slovenská hudba 2022 Slovenská hudba, Vol. 48, No 1, p.7-22, 2022

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Slovenská hudba, Vol. 48, No 1, p.7-22, 2022

Title: Aké bolo celé meno J. K. Mertza?
Author: Martin Krajčo

Abstract: What Was the Whole Name of J. K. Mertz?
The study summarizes the research results and current knowledge concerning the selected biographical data of the important 19th-century Pressburg (Prešporok, today Bratislava) guitarist and composer J. K. Mertz. It elaborates in depth the selected domains of research – the genealogy and family background, the portrait and the full name of the composer. The processing of these matters on the basis of accessible sources and specialized literature worldwide documents the current extent and condition of the specialized research of Mertz’s personality at international level. The text defines these domains on several levels depending on the possibilities given by the accessibility and persuasiveness of the information and evidence. We can find here credible information confirmed by direct proofs, considerations evaluated on the basis of historical and territorial contexts, and hypotheses offering several feasible answers. Regarding the solution of the cardinal question – the whole name of the composer –, which has been the object of long-lasting polemics in professional circles, the author offers his own proposal.

Keywords: J. K. Mertz; genealogy; biographical data; composer’s name
Published online: 08-Apr-2022
Year: 2022, Volume: 48, Issue: 1 Page From: 7, Page To: 22

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