Home HOME General Physiology and Biophysics 2022 General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.41, No.2, p. 141–150, 2022

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General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.41, No.2, p. 141–150, 2022

Title: Neonatal administration of zingerone prevents the subsequent development of high dietary fructose-induced early features of nephropathy in rats
Author: Nasiru Muhammad, Busisani W. Lembede, Kennedy H. Erlwanger

Abstract: Excessive consumption of fructose-rich diets in early life stages increases the risk for developing nephropathy in adulthood. We investigated the potential preventive effects of neonatally administered zingerone on the development of dietary fructose-induced nephropathy. Four-day-old suckling male and female rat pups were orally gavaged (10 ml/kg) with: distilled water (Con group), 20% fructose solution (Fru group), 20% fructose solution + 40 mg/kg zingerone in distilled water (ZFru group), or 40 mg/kg of zingerone (Zgr group) for 14 days. Thereafter, Con and Zgr groups continued on plain drinking water while Fru and ZFru groups drank 20% fructose solution ad libitum for 10 weeks.
The Fru group had significantly increased plasma concentration of the renal injury marker kidney injury molecule one (KIM-1) and decreased glomerular urinary space area compared to the controls in both sexes (p < 0.05). These alterations were prevented by neonatally administered zingerone. Zingerone administration neonatally is a potential prophylaxis for long-term high-fructose diet-induced nephropathy.

Keywords: Fructose — Neonates — Nephropathy — Rats — Zingerone
Published online: 11-Apr-2022
Year: 2022, Volume: 41, Issue: 2 Page From: 141, Page To: 150

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