Home HOME General Physiology and Biophysics 2022 General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.41, No.4, p. 309–318, 2022

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General Physiology and Biophysics Vol.41, No.4, p. 309–318, 2022

Title: Biochemical and molecular assessment of selenium forms for the alleviation of oxidative stress in senescent human fibroblasts
Author: Hazem K. Ghneim, Mohammad A. Alfhili, Sami O. Alharbi, Shady M. Alhusayni, Manal Abudawood, Yazeed A. Al-Sheikh

Abstract: Selenium enhances the cellular antioxidant capacity and alleviates oxidative stress. We investigated the transcriptional and enzymatic activities of selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase 1 and thioredoxin reductase 1 (TrxR1), and levels of glutathione, hydrogen peroxide, lipid peroxides, and protein carbonyls in primary passage 5 (P5) and senescent passage 25 (P25) and 30 (P30) fibroblasts. Cells were incubated in either standard Dulbecco growth medium (CM1) containing normal plasma selenium levels (0.8 μmol/l), or in CM2, CM3, and CM4 containing 3 μmol/l (5 μmol/l for TrxR1) sodium selenite, L-hydroxyselenomethionine, or Se-methylselenocysteine, respectively. Gene transcripts and activities of both investigated enzymes as well as the levels of reduced glutathione were significantly increased in CM2-, CM3-,
and CM4-incubated senescent P25 and P35 cells compared against those incubated in CM1. In congruence, although all oxidative stress parameters including oxidized glutathione were significantly lower in CM2-, CM3-, and CM4-incubated senescent cells compared against those incubated in CM1, such reductions were of significantly higher magnitude in CM3 and CM4 cells compared against those in CM2. In conclusion, organic L-hydroxyselenomethionine and Se-methylselenocysteine are equally more potent at alleviating oxidative stress in senescent cells than inorganic sodium selenite, and thus could be beneficial for use in elderly subjects and those with oxidative stress-associated disease.

Keywords: Senescence — Aging — Oxidative stress — Selenium — Fibroblasts
Published online: 28-Jul-2022
Year: 2022, Volume: 41, Issue: 4 Page From: 309, Page To: 318

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