Home HOME Bratislava Medical Journal 2022 Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.123, No.11, p.773–776, 2022

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Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.123, No.11, p.773–776, 2022

Title: Aborted sudden cardiac death in patient with concealed Brugada syndrome early after skin tattoo
Author: Ondrej BENACKA, Jozef SALMAS, Robert HATALA

Abstract: We report a case of 40‑year-old healthy patient presented with aborted sudden cardiac death. Echocardiography and coronarography were normal. ECG showed minimal non-specific changes in right precordial leads. A concealed Brugada syndrome was considered. We performed a provocative ajmaline test with Brugada‑specific lead placement in 2nd, 3rd and 4th intercostal spaces at both parasternal sides. The test has confirmed the supposed diagnose.
Detailed history taking revealed that the patient underwent a calf tattoo procedure on the same day. In this case report, we describe a new mechanism in Brugada patients, possibly leading to sudden cardiac death. The skin tattoo procedure is in more than 7 % of cases accompanied with a “tattoo flu syndrome”, manifesting with fever, headache and fatigue. The fever is well described as a provoking factor for malignant arrhythmias in Brugada patients. Thus, a simple and safe procedure like skin tattoo can potentially lead to death in concealed Brugada syndrome population (Fig. 7, Ref. 9).

Keywords: adical gastrectomy, D2 lymph node dissection, neoadjuvant therapy
Published online: 26-Aug-2022
Year: 2022, Volume: 123, Issue: 11 Page From: 773, Page To: 776

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