Home Bratislava Medical Journal 2023 Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.124, No.6, p.437–441, 2023

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Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.124, No.6, p.437–441, 2023

Title: Astroglial differentiation of fibronectin‑positive human “glia-like” cells
Author: Ivana SIVAKOVA, Peter MRAZ, Anna PERZELOVA

Abstract: OBJECTIVES: Fibronectin (Fn) is a glycoprotein of extracellular matrix produced by a variety of mesenchymal and neoplastic cell types.
BACKGROUND: In adult brain tissue, Fn is restricted to blood vessels. However, adult human brain cultures are almost entirely comprised of flat or spindle‑shaped Fn-positive cells usually referred to as “glia-like” cells. Since Fn is primarily present in fibroblasts, these cultures may be considered to be of non-glial origin.
METHODS: Cells gained by long-term culturing of adult human brain tissue derived from brain biopsies obtained from 12 patients with non-malignant diagnoses were examined by immunofluorescence methods.
RESULTS: Primary cultures contained GFAP–/Vim+/Fn+ “glia-like” cells (95–98 %) and GFAP+/Vim+/Fn- astrocytes (0.1 %) which disappeared by passage number 3. The formation of cell processes and enlargement of cell bodies was observed in 9 of 12 cultures with decreased cell growth during passages 12 to 17. It is remarkable that during this period, all “glia-like” cells became GFAP+/Vim+/Fn+.
CONCLUSION: Herein, we confirm our previously published hypothesis about the origin of adult human “glia-like” cells, which we consider to be precursor cells scattered through the brain cortex and subcortical white matter. Cultures were comprised entirely of GFAP–/Fn+ “glia-like” cells and showed morphological and immunochemical astroglial differentiation with spontaneously decelerated growth during prolonged passaging. We propose that the adult human brain tissue contains a “dormant population” of undefined glial precursor cells. Under culture, these cells show to have a high proliferative capacity and different stages of cell dedifferentiation (Fig. 2, Ref. 21).

Keywords: astrocytes, GFAP, fibronectin, glial differentiation, glia-like cells
Published online: 28-Feb-2023
Year: 2023, Volume: 124, Issue: 6 Page From: 437, Page To: 441

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