Home FOR AUTHORS Slovenská hudba 2013 Slovenská hudba, Vol. 39, No 1, p.7-56

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Slovenská hudba, Vol. 39, No 1, p.7-56

Title: Význam citácií Mahlerových piesní z Chlapcovho zázračného rohu v symfóniách č. 2 – 4
Author: Jana Lindtnerová

Abstract: The Meaning of the Quotations of Mahler’s Songs from The Youth’s Magic Horn in His Symphonies Nos. 2 – 4
The phenomenon of musical quotation plays a very important role in the music of Gustav Mahler. This paper is focused on studying the integration of the quotations of some songs from Mahler’s The Youth’s Magic Horn to his symphonies nos. 2 – 4. On the basis of analytical exploration of structural and semantic connections between the songs and movements of symphonies related to the songs, the sense and meaning of the integration of the quotations from Mahler’s songs into his symphonies were interpreted.
All three symphonies have the same orientation – to the final redemption. There are two songs quoted in the Symphony No. 2: Des Antonius von Padua Fischpredigt in the third movement, which shows the disgust of the real world, and Urlicht in the fourth movement, which is a promise of redemption. The salvation comes only in the final movement – in the chorale “Auferstehung”. The third movement of the Symphony No. 3, where the song Ablösung im Sommer is quoted, presents the world of animals, which have many problems similar to human problems. The next symphonic movement with the song Es sungen drei Engel einen süßen Gesang brings the message of angels: the redemption is not an unattainable thing. The redemption comes in the finale again and is presented as the redemption of Love. The song Das himmlische Leben is quoted in the final movement of the Symphony No. 4. It was interpreted as a child’s vision of redemption.

Year: 2013, Volume: 39, Issue: 1 Page From: 7, Page To: 56

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